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Vice Curator Wuyun Is Awarded the Title of ‘Outstanding Secretary-General’

Publish date:2011-5-27   Pageview: 1371



Owing to Vice Curator Wuyun’s outstanding performances in XOM’s scientific association construction and future development, the title of 2009-2010 Outstanding Secretary-general is awarded to Ms. Wuyun by Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Association.


Since the foundation of XOM’s scientific association, Ms. Wuyun, the Vice Curator and Secretary-general of XOM’s scientific association, has kept regarding dissemination of Olympic scientific knowledge as a priority and put this work in a very important position. It is her correct leading principle that makes XOM’s scientific association keep developing and consummating, as well as making museum’s work being carried out in a variety of ways. Under her leadership, XOM has kept introducing advanced hardware facilities, improving staff’s quality, creating fresh new Olympic experience space, offering vast tourists, especially teenagers a chance to know and experience Olympics in multi channels, full range and diverse perspectives. All these make Olympic scientific knowledge popularization being implemented effectively. Vice Curator Wuyun says that XOM will keep enhancing the spread of Olympic scientific knowledge, opening up more channels and colorful ways to attract more guests to know, experience and share Olympics.