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How well do you know about Olympics-The goal of the Olympic Movement

Publish date:2020-9-27   Pageview: 1140



 The goal of the Olympic Movement is clearly defined in the Olympic Charter: “The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth people through sport practised in accordance with Olympism and its values. "

  The principles of Olympism highlighted below describe how Olympic values are expressed to create positive social change:
Non-Discrimination. The Olympic Movement strives to ensure that sport is practised without any form of discrimination.
Sustainability. The Olympic Movement organises and delivers programmes in a way that promotes sustainable economic, social and environmental development.

Humanism. The Olympic Movement's activities place people at the centre of its attention, ensuring that the practice of sport remains a human right.

Universality. Sport belongs to everyone. In all its decisions and actions, the Olympic Movement takes into account the universal impact sport can have on individuals and society.

Solidarity. The Olympic Movement is committed to developing programmes that, together, create a meaningful and comprehensive social response to issues it can help address.

Alliance between sport, education and culture. The Olympic Movement is committed to promoting the spirit of Olympism – the point at which sport, culture and education converge.

  What are the core values of Olympism and the Olympic Movement?

Excellence: This is about giving one's best, on the field of play or in your personal and professional life. It is about trying your hardest to win, but its also about the joy of participating, achieving your personal goals, striving to be and to do your best in your daily lives and benefiting from the healthy combination of a strong body, mind and will.

Friendship: This encourages us to consider sport as a tool to help foster greater mutual understanding among individuals and people from all over the world. The Olympic Games inspire people to overcome political, economic, gender, racial or religious differences and forge friendships in spite of those differences.

Respect: This value incorporates respect for oneself, one's body, for others, for the rules and regulations, for sport and the environment. Related to sport, respect stands for fair play and for the fight against doping and any other unethical behaviour.